I’m sure at some time, we’ve all pondered the age-old question, what is the meaning of life? Is it keeping our heads held high, our smiles wide and whitened, while we navigate this hustle? Is it keeping our flows enviable, while flashing the fruits of our hustles on social media?
Life oftentimes feels like a giant Rubik’s cube–we continuously rotate the various pieces, hoping that someday all of the sides will line up.
Playing the hardcore success game has become ultra-trendy again, and as a result we’re back inside of tightly wrapped boxes, although, this time they’re more expensive ones. But, despite the upgraded and more luxurious packaging, we still dream of living without restrictions, living outside of the box, experiencing the richness of life without having limitations placed upon us. Why? Because alignment never goes out of style! Alignment is that sense of freedom, power, and courage that is rarely experienced, because we’ve been indoctrinated into lifestyles that are ‘one size fits all.’
Life oftentimes feels like a giant Rubik’s cube–we continuously rotate the various pieces, hoping that someday all of the sides will line up. We become distracted by the colors, feeling the urge to solve the puzzle all at once, and in doing so, we oftentimes mess it up even more. However, there’s an instinctive sigh of relief whenever we complete one colored side or another. But, despite what might appear as a momentary alignment, a lingering sense of incompletion tugs at our souls. Maybe it’s because life has less to do with the exterior hustle, and more to do with the core.
The key is that when we learn to fully embrace and honor ourselves, we then decide to truly live courageously, and in doing so, there is no measure that you cannot exceed.
Alignment is being in sync with who you truly are, living in harmony with your innate self, while emboldening the most beautiful and majestic aspects of your core. The key is that when we learn to fully embrace and honor ourselves, we then decide to live courageously, and in doing so, there is no measure that we cannot exceed.
We must also learn to receive all that is being sent our way, and to decipher the stuff that is not in alignment with heart and soul. We must become adept in knowing and securing ourselves, while also holding space and compassion for those parts that we cannot change. Release self-recrimination, while breathing deeply into our uniqueness. No one is perfect, nor will ever be, as perfection does not exist. Embrace, envelop, and courageously move forward!
Little things stay little, and when something larger is around, the little things eventually disappear.
What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for someone to accept you, or to pay you as a declaration that you are of value, or that your life has meaning? Are you waiting to purchase more, and to flaunt the many hauls of your hustle?
Will this give you the proof that you need to feel validated, offering the green light to jump, instead of barely dipping your feet into the waters of life? When our lives come down to approval, we miss the opportunity for an inordinate amount of growth, leading to alignment. Living for approval means we’re waiting for permission to be who we are. By seeking permission to move forward we stay small, and our lives begin feeling restrictive.
Little things stay little, and when something larger is around, the little things eventually disappear. We oftentimes choose the smaller version of our spiritual selves as a way to avoid being in the spotlight, or to dodge what we believe might be misinterpreted as threatening. Some might even feel insecure in regard to their own gifts and powers, holding back out of a fear of truly being seen. But, while many are holding back on their inner/spiritual swag, the superficiality of the general collective is drowning us.
Stop setting yourself ‘up’ by putting yourself ‘down.’
In order to succeed and make our mark upon life, we must not only know who we are, but to also be bold about it! Everyone loves someone who is not afraid to represent ‘passion’ and ‘love’ in whatever they do. Humanity is consistently thirsting for someone to look up to, and we deeply admire those that share their gifts and talents. It’s what makes the world go ‘round!
Confront the fear that is limiting you from reaching your highest moments. Stop setting yourself ‘up’ by putting yourself ‘down.’ You’re better than that! You have the tools to confront whatever is limiting you from reaching your highest self, and to become bigger, better, faster, stronger, and fully aligned!
Alignment is the core of our greatness, it’s the source, while the hustle is an overzealous, and exhausting race toward the façade.
Stop playing the game, stop hustling. It’s downright ludicrous, and such a waste of precious life energy.
Confront the fear and tackle the issues head on. Dive deep and with courage, stop being fearful of your most intrinsic, emotional success. You are not changing anything, or helping anyone by being small. You are not changing anything by taking on the role of martyr. You are not changing anything by solely hustling, without also focusing on inner alignment.
Even the Rubik’s cube has a core. It might look like a shiny block with six brightly colored sides, but beneath the surface, the entire puzzle is based on an inner alignment. When this alignment is respected and realized, all sides fall naturally into place.
Get out of the game and get your head back into reality. You’ll make more of an impact by standing within your fully aligned power, as opposed to playing small, or putting yourself down, so that the onus of responsibility falls on someone else’s shoulders. KNOCK IT OFF!
Get proactive and see the truth that is so ever-present. Each of us maintains an infinite power on a soul level, one with the ability to expand into greatness and ongoing possibility–leading humanity to happiness, joy, and ultimate freedom. Alignment is the core of our greatness, it’s the source, while the hustle is an overzealous, and exhausting race toward the façade.
Shaman Durek