Meet Shaman Durek
Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today. You can include as little or as much detail as you’d like.
My story started when I was five years old. My mother noticed there were certain traits within me that were different than what society would deem as normal. My ability to see and hear spirits and my ability to access other dimensions that exist – these are certain energy frequencies that most people are not aware of. My mom sensed these within me at a very young age from the things that I was saying. One of the prophecies in my family was that I would be able to see and speak with my grandmother.
When I was a kid, I used to go around the house calling her name, which was Mamal. My mother thought I was calling her, but I was speaking with my grandmother. My grandmother comes from Africa which is where my Shamanic bloodline comes from. It comes from the Yoruba and Umbutu tribes. My grandmother was the one who chose me to be next in line before I was born. She would speak to my father about these things when he was training as her apprentice.
As I reached middle school my powers started to really show when I could sense things like illness in other children and issues that were going on at home. It was hard for me to deal with this because I thought everyone was experiencing these things and I come to find out it was only me. I was diagnosed as dyslexic and autistic because of my behavior when I was dealing with all of this. I would say things to people that were so accurate that everyone would fear me. Because of this, I spent a lot of time alone. It was very difficult for me because I didn’t feel like I was loved.
My mom and dad left at a young age and my dad remarried a strict Catholic woman, so I felt very ostracized. During this time, I put a lot of my attention to looking at how humans operate and why they don’t operate from love. I had a lot of ups and downs during this process, but it’s the reason I am where I am today. It forced me to look at the sexual abuse, physical abuse, and the ridicule I went through as a child, and lead me to figure out how to love these people through all the pain that was caused by them.
It was at age 11, I decided to devote my life to studying Shamanism and humanity. That’s one of the things that I love about shamanism, you get to learn about our species and how they function on various levels. This ignited passion in me because I felt like I had a purpose, so I dove into my Shamanic teachings and expanded my knowledge further by studying religion and science and all of these different areas in our world to get a complete view of how we function as a species.
Don’t get me wrong, there were days where I wanted to throw in the towel and quit, but the love I had for humanity pushed me through because I was able to see how many lives I could touch and help heal this world.
Has it been a smooth road? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road because, after all, I am in a human body, and I grew up in a system that wants to program us into wanting things that are not necessary for human development. I got caught up in a lot of different energies. I went from partying and doing drugs to being an alcoholic. I went through a lot of trials and tribulations through the process while I was also studying.
The world didn’t make it any easier because a lot of the information I was receiving and providing to people was frowned upon so I would get a lot of hate and anger directed towards me. These experiences have been great teachers. It has taught me to surrender into the journey that spirit wants me to have, learn how to navigate harsh challenges with love, and to not listen to those directing this energy at me.
Most of all, I’ve been to taught to listen and trust in spirit without any pretense. Because of this, I can look at my struggles and challenges I experience along the way and be grateful for them because each obstacle, each hardship, and each pain is a universal lesson encoded with ancient wisdom that I get to share with the world.
Tell us about your business/company. What do you do, what do you specialize in, what are you known for, etc. What are you most proud of as a company? What sets you apart from others?
It’s funny that we say business company because the truth is, I’m just a shaman, but I do reside in the western world, and in the western world you must put things in the business construct in order for people to engage with it. So, with that said, I would say that my business is making life easier and more activated for people. I’m a loving interruption to your programs and patterns, and I give you an understanding of your power without it being this painful process that people feel they need to go through in order to change and evolve.
My team and I are doing this by creating avenues of intelligent consciousness that is based on love and is held to open up engagement for conversation and enlightenment so that people can see that they are not a victim. They’re not here to suffer or be in lack and limitation but are here to forge themselves as leaders and create a legacy. We’re known for making people’s lives simple and clear by sorting through all the bullshit, so they can bring the legacy of their teachings to the world.
This is our intention so that we can change the constructs of society that are not held in our highest evolution. As a company, I am proud of our ethics and our approach to support humanity. It doesn’t matter if you’re a celebrity or public figure, we treat everyone the same because we are all equal. Internally, I am proud of the love and assistance my team gives each other to help figure out new and amazing avenues to bring our message to the world. As Shaman Durek, the people I look to for guidance are those who are on my team and in my circle.
We are all in this together, and I think if more companies did this then they would be able to support humanity in a better way. I believe what sets me apart from others is that I am a no bullshit Shaman. I don’t care about your status or all the trophies you’ve won. I care what your contribution to life is, and whether you are leaving a legacy that is based in love and supporting humanities greatest evolution. And what also sets me apart is that people who know me know that I look at life through a lens of love and everything that I bring to them and this world is through that lens.
The other thing that I believe sets me apart from other Shamans is that I don’t use plant medicine. Real medicine is one that goes beyond the physical realm where you can access powers of who you really are, that is your natural divinity and not this feeling of having to bring a physical medicine into your body in order to activate something inside of you that you don’t feel you can access otherwise.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
I feel the most important quality I have for my success is being able to gauge innovation and track trends. Not trends in the sense of what everyone is into, but instead what people need in order to step into their power and step into a higher place of reality – shifting and lifting them to realize they are powerful beings who are here to lead and live a life that they truly want to live.
I spend a lot of time in meditation talking with spirit to find out what the most important things are for humanity that I need to address in order to support our species for our highest evolution, and how can this be done in the easiest way possible.
My success, however, wouldn’t be possible without the amazing support that I have from my team and my inner circle of friends and family who help to bring the message forward by either helping me or spreading the message themselves through their own platforms.
It really does take a community to facilitate change, and I’m blessed to be a part of one that wants to share their journies with others in order to help them or to share their message of love so that we may have a brighter tomorrow.
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