Shaman Durek
6th Generation Shaman
"Be your
own damn
Ancient Wisdom Today

Shamanic Tools and Wisdom

Shaman Durek's 30 Day Gift To Remind you how amazing you are
30 Days Strong is a program I developed for people to really step in and experiment with Shamanic knowledge and techniques that have been passed down through different cultures and experiences I’ve explored. Taking the 30 Days Strong program is to take a step toward loving yourself in a bigger, more expansive way.
I already know you love yourself; it’s time now to enhance yourself through witnessing and deepening your connection to your power and making sure that you always remember that you are a leader of legacy born for greatness.
30 Days Strong helps you put the power back in your hands, showing you how to optimize your life in the most beautiful way through reminding you to authentically recognize how amazing you are.
All of the 30 Days Strong program can be viewed at any time, as you need, completely free.
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